Doing Your Part to Keep Your HVAC System Running

A few months ago, my air conditioner completely died. I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, and I didn't know what to do. The next day, I called an HVAC expert, and they came out to inspect my system. It turned out that it had failed because of filthy filters and a clogged return duct, which made me sick to my stomach. I had caused the problem, and I needed to learn how to fix things. My HVAC professional taught me a few easy maintenance techniques that I didn't know before, so that I could maintain my new system. Check out this blog to learn more about HVAC yourself.

Gas Furnace Not Heating The Home? Check The Fresh Air Intake Pipes


If your gas furnace isn't heating your home properly, you may think that there's a problem with the appliance. Although furnaces can break down or stop working because of fuel problems, leaks and clogs, the problem could actually lie on the outside of the home instead of inside it. The fresh air intake pipe may be the cause of your furnace's inability to heat the home. Here's how you can repair or secure the fresh air intake pipe to help your furnace work better.

Clear the Area Around the Fresh Air Intake Pipe

First, locate the fresh air intake pipe. The large, white pipe sticks out on the side of the home where you keep your furnace. After you locate the pipe, remove any plants, shrubs and other items from around it that obstructs your view of the pipe. The pipe's opening shouldn't have anything covering it, including snow or ice.

Don't use anything hard to remove the snow from the pipe, or you may damage it. It's a good idea that you use a damp towel to wipe down the pipe. You want to remove all signs of debris, including dirt, that can weigh down the pipe. However, don't apply oils, sprays or some other type of chemical to the pipe. The chemicals can travel into the pipe and enter the furnace and mix with its fuel.

After you clear out the area and clean the surface of the fresh air intake pipe, it's time to clean the inside of it.

Clean the Inside of the Fresh Air Intake Pipe

You'll need a cleaning brush with soft bristles and a long, flexible handle to clean out the intake pipe. The intake pipe curves at the top, so you need a brush flexible enough to slide down the pipe without breaking through or damaging the sides of the pipe.

Before you begin, use a flashlight to examine the inside of the intake pipe. If you see a bird's nest, dead or alive animals, or something else that's large enough to obstruct the pipe, contact a professional HVAC contractor to clean out the pipe for you. Your brush can push the items further down into the pipe and block it permanently. 

If you don't see anything that can block the pipe, follow the instructions below:

  • Wet the brush, then carefully insert it into the intake pipe. Don't use soap or any other cleanser to clean out the pipe to avoid damaging your furnace.
  • Move the brush back and forth along each side to clean it. 
  • Remove the brush, then use a dry towel to wipe down as much of the inside of the pipe as you can. You don't want the wet surfaces to freeze or ice over.

Return to the inside of the home, then wait an hour. If the home feels warmer during this time, the problem is solved. If the home still feels cold, contact a contractor right away. There may be something wrong with the furnace, or deeper inside the fresh air intake pipe.

To learn more, contact a company like Jackson Heating & Cooling


11 November 2015