Doing Your Part to Keep Your HVAC System Running

A few months ago, my air conditioner completely died. I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, and I didn't know what to do. The next day, I called an HVAC expert, and they came out to inspect my system. It turned out that it had failed because of filthy filters and a clogged return duct, which made me sick to my stomach. I had caused the problem, and I needed to learn how to fix things. My HVAC professional taught me a few easy maintenance techniques that I didn't know before, so that I could maintain my new system. Check out this blog to learn more about HVAC yourself.

Setting Up Your Own Greenhouse? Better Have a Backup Generator


If you have your own greenhouse, you need to make sure it stays the correct temperature in case you have a power outage and your heater(s) or HVAC unit shut down. You may also have an irrigation pump that needs to stay running all the time. One way you can ensure your greenhouse has power is by using a backup generator. This way, your plants and flowers are still provided with their proper environment to grow. This is especially beneficial if your power outage lasts for an entire day or more.

Equipment Used in a Greenhouse

Some types of equipment you may use in your greenhouse that need to have power include

  • Gas heaters
  • Electric heaters
  • Fluorescent lighting
  • Halogen lighting
  • Heat mats
  • Heated propagators

Types of Backup Generators

There are two main types of backup generators: portable and standby.


With a portable backup generator, when the power goes off, you have to start it up and plug it into a subpanel. How you start it up depends on the type of generator you purchase. The generator should be placed on a flat surface outside your greenhouse a few feet away from it. Do not set it inside a garage, your home, or under a carport or canopy. This is because carbon dioxide emits from the generator while it is running.

The generator will have electrical outlets that you will have to plug several of your things into at once using extension cords. Make sure the backup generator you purchase has enough outlets for what you need power to.

You can use the portable generator without having to use extension cords. You can do this by installing a transfer switch subpanel off the main circuit in your home. You will then need to install a dedicated line to power your subpanel. This is a very complex job, and you should hire an electrician to do this for you. You will still have to start up the generator yourself, however.

This type of generator may work well for you if you are home most of the time.


A standby backup generator is powered by propane or natural gas, and starts up automatically when the power goes out. Because you have a greenhouse, you should consider the standby generator. You may not be at home when the power goes out, and you do not want to come back to dead plants and flowers.

Most standby backup generators are powerful and can keep everything in your greenhouse running simultaneously. These generators also run quieter, and you do not have to use extension cords for them. If you choose this type of generator, you will have to hire an electrician to install the generator, transfer switch, and subpanel for you. This type of generator works well if you are away from home a lot or if you live in an area that has a lot of storms and power outages.

Once you decide on the type of generator you want, you will need to decide on the size (wattage) that you need. The generators you look at will have a label showing the model number, year it was made, and the wattage. You should consider hiring a contractor, such as one from Childers Enterprises Inc, to help you with this to ensure you purchase the proper wattage to provide power to your greenhouse.


10 November 2015