Doing Your Part to Keep Your HVAC System Running

A few months ago, my air conditioner completely died. I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, and I didn't know what to do. The next day, I called an HVAC expert, and they came out to inspect my system. It turned out that it had failed because of filthy filters and a clogged return duct, which made me sick to my stomach. I had caused the problem, and I needed to learn how to fix things. My HVAC professional taught me a few easy maintenance techniques that I didn't know before, so that I could maintain my new system. Check out this blog to learn more about HVAC yourself.

Two Signs It's Time To Repair Your Heater


As the warmth of summer begins to fade and the leaves begin to fall off the trees, winter is quickly approaching. With this winter weather also comes rigidly cold temperatures. Unless you want to find yourself dealing with a major heater malfunction in the cold of winter, it's important that you understand how to recognize signs that your heater needs to be repaired. Here are just two of them.

Cold Spots

One of the most obvious indicators that your heating system is in need of repair are cold spots. Cold spots are basically areas in your home that are considerably cooler than other areas.  For example, if all the bedrooms in the front of your home are warm, but the bedrooms in the rear are cool, this is considered a cold spot. Cold spots are often a sign of a unit that is heating unevenly. Heating units are designed to deliver the same level of heat throughout your home.

This issue is typically the result of one or two things--either the heater's fan might not be functioning correctly or the ductwork might be damaged. Either of these problems can produce cold spots that will leave your home uncomfortable and cause your heating bills to increase as the heater tries to keep your home warm.

Loud Noises

Typically, a heating unit will generate some level of noise. However, the noise level should be moderately low. If your unit is excessively loud, this is a sign of a problem. For example, if you have a gas unit and the bumpers inside the unit have an excessive amount of dirt or dust buildup, this will cause gas to build up inside the pipes, which causes the unit to make excessive noise when in operation.

Other problems that can cause more noise are problems with the blower wheel, poor lubrication or a cracked blower belt. Whatever the case, it's important for you to address the issue before it causes a greater problem, as many of these issues can cause the unit to fail prematurely.

The more effort you put into recognizing the signs of a heater malfunction, the lower the risk of you spending a winter night without heat. More importantly, staying on top of your unit's repair needs can also help you save money because it makes the unit operate more efficiently. Make sure you are keeping your eyes and ears open for a sign of a problem in order to call on a professional for prompt repair.

For more information, contact a company like Jim's Burner Service Inc.


1 October 2015